Farewell 2022-23

As rightly said -“Right at the end of the road, a new way will be revealed.” – Hiral Nagda.

Farewell is an exciting time. It marks both an ending and a beginning; it’s warm memories of the past and big dreams for the future. Ideal Group of Institution celebrated the Farewell Ceremony of the batch of 2022-23 on 4th February 2023, with a belief that the future holds no promises, but rather mysteries and surprises.

We wish our bright Idealites the very best for the new phase of their lives!

Food Carnival on the occasion of Children’s Day – 2022-23

Childhood is the most beautiful of all life’s seasons.A day marking childhood and to make this event exciting for our students, Ideal Academy made a whoopee of Children’s Day in the school premises. The day focused on children and their merriment. The day was commemorated with immense joy, enthusiasm and magnificence. The celebrations began with the theme of ‘Food Carnival’ with Gaming Zone by students themselves. The main objective behind the event was making the children aware of the diligence in preparation and satisfaction in presenting various food items and the cultures they come from. Elegantly showcasing the signature dishes was a huge success. In a way, the children made the day very dazzled for all who were present.

Diwali Celebration 2022

LIFE Becomes A FESTIVAL when Gaiety And Culture Blend !! DIWALI Delivers the Message of Both !!

From the gloominess to the light that entitles us to perpetrate ourselves to good deeds, that which brings us closer to divinity ; lights elucidate every corner of India during Diwali and the aroma of incense twigs dangle in the air, mingled with the sound of crackers , joy , inseparableness and hope.
The celebration of festival of lights Diwali came alive at Ideal Academy when the school wore a festive look with Diyas, Lanterns and Rangolis , adoring the corridors .Surely this was the upshot of students spirit who carried out this pleasing slog by participating in various competitions. Formerly they attained the consequences as well do’s and don’ts in diwali celebration by attending a calibre convocation. The day came to an end with lots of joy and happiness sparkling on the faces of sweet kidos.

Navratri and Dussehra Celebration

Beauty of Indian Culture lies in its festivals and celebrations. It depicts the diversified culture of India!!

The greatness of a culture lies in its festivals. In accordance to the Indian traditions and cultures Navratri and Vijayadashmi celebration has been organized for the kids.The tiny tots attired in traditional costumes added to the festive mood. The jollification started by seeking the blessings from Goddess Durga. Kids were told about the importance of nine days of Navratri and Vijayadashmi celebration by dint of distinct deeds.The blissful moment of Dandiya Raas filled the kids with delight. Subsequently ,a short movie on Dussehra was played for the kids.Thus the celebration not only enriched their memories but also made it learning experience for our little Idealites which will be cherished forever by them.

Zoo trip

Zoo : An Excellent Place To Study The Habits Of Human Beings!!

Visiting a zoo makes us learn a lot many things about the various species of animals besides the fun and frolic that we have. Having this idea Ideal Academy organized a zoo trip for the students of class 1st and 2nd. This zoo visit offered too many things for children to learn. They assimilated that animal’s life is as important as human life. They came to know more about the wondrous creations of God on this Earth and learnt about the food and habits of different species of birds and animals.

75th Independence Day Celebration

75TH Independence Day – purpose served! Grandeur of events led to serve the purpose of inspiring the youth to understand the importance of being born as free.Being thankful for Breathing the fresh air of democracy and paying tribute to our matryrs was the sole motive of celebrating Azadi Ka Amrit Mahautsav. The young Idealites displayed their patriotic spirit through flag hoisting,singing of our national anthem, mime act, poem recitation, dance and thanks giving. The coherence of each student brought about in this celebration showcased that the future generation is getting ready to shine apart on the global frontier too.

Don’t be safety blinded, be safety minded

Every Child deserves to be Safe and has right to feel free from fear from harm, danger or threats. With this perception and to develop the awareness about safety among the kids A seminar “When I am alone at home ” for Primary students had been organized in school premises.Students learned that why safety is important at home too and what steps they need to follow to take care of everyone around them.

Every animal has its story!

A trip to the zoo is a chance to give life to children’s imagination and build an emotional connection with animals. For this purpose a Zoo Trip has been organised for Montessori kids.. Zoo visit enabled children to learn about animals effectively, fostered cognitive development and promoted empathy and compassion.

Training proves to be the key ingredient to handling any emergency situation.

With the above objective in view, Idealites were prepared to respond efficiently and effectively when faced with an emergency situation. The children acknowledged the emergency numbers and strategy to handle that situation with enthusiasm and wisdom.
#Medical_ Emergency