Summer Carnival 2023

Summer Carnival

When the days get longer, the stars shine brighter, your hairs get lighter and the water gets warmer, here comes the summer

Summers are here and the heat of the sun is hitting the earth. Now this is our turn to protect ourselves.

Considering the above notion we have celebrated our summer carnival for making students conscious about the fun-filled holiday season and to be mindful of their activities during this as well as enjoy it to the fullest.

Tornado Water Park Trip

Splish, Splash, Splush 💦

You don’t need to fly to the other side of the world to find wilderness and beauty.

The splashes of swimming pool when we dive into the water made us forgot all the stress and relieved us from the worldly thoughts.

Here are some beautiful memories of Tornado Water Park, where we built a phenomenal day out.

Enriching Teacher’s Training Workshop 2022-23

Earth Day Celebration…..There are no passengers on spaceship Earth. We are all crew.

Mother nature better knows how to serve being a mother, as a child we too need to serve her as a child.

To make the children aware that we are required to Preserve and Cherish that pale blue dot in our Solar System, our dear Earth, the only home we have ever known, we have celebrated Earth Day and have tried to build the caring nature of our students towards mother nature by conducting different activities like bottle planter making activity, composting activity,paper bag making activity & puppet show.

Enriching Teacher’s Training Workshop 2022-23

“Human beings differ from one another and there is absolutely no reason to teach and assess all individuals in the identical way.”

There is more than one way about how learning occurs. To help the students to do perfect learning the teachers need to have pedagogical intelligence. This is something which should be kept on renewed every day and every year. Keeping this in view an enriching workshop was conducted by Ms. Sudha Shah (Renowned Educationist, Oxford Language Evaluator and Corporate Soft Skill Trainer of Ahmedabad Gujarat) for the staff members.

With various light hearted examples she proved the need for change in teaching pattern in classrooms. She told the teachers to enjoy teaching. Because till the time a teacher won’t enjoy teaching, the required zeal of learning will not come in the students. Always wake up with a feeling that every day is a new day and every experience is a new experience. She said that in the era of Digital Learning we need to change our pattern of teaching. Teachers need to understand that technology has developed so much that today only teaching is not going to help. We teachers need to become facilitators. We need to allow our children to think, to do. We should realize that all children are not the same. They have different ways of learning. Some children do Visual learning, a few do auditory learning and some do kinesthetic learning. It’s a teacher’s job to understand the kind of learning of a child and teach him/her accordingly. Ms. Sudha concluded her workshop with some mind boggling statements i.e. “Teachers can’t remain silent spectators to change, if they won’t change, they will become extinct”.

The evening concluded with a memento presentation and vote of thanks by the school Director Ms. Pooja Tiwari. She thanked the resource person by saying that staff has benefitted by her wisdom.

Subject Selection Seminar 2022-23

True guidance is like a small torch in a dark forest, it doesn’t show everything once, but gives enough light for the next step to be safe !!

Stream selection is the first occasion when a child gets the opportunity to make a salient commitment about his/her life. Evoking this, a stream selection seminar was supervised by the connoisseur pedagogues for the students of IX and X.

Students of class X were assisted to take the pertinent stream that will help them flourish in life rather then slogging in a career wreck and class IX students were apprised of study habits to be followed throughout the coming session to be able to opt for desired stream. Afterwards they had a doubt clearing session. Overall the session was exceedingly fructiferous and satisfying.

Parent Meet & Greet 2022-23

Connecting home and school creates a great community of learners !!

A pivotal event ‘PARENTS MEET & GREET’ was organized for parents to know the school’s exclusive forethought for student’s welfare and 360 degree holistic development. The event was primarily focused on acquainting parents and kids about Helen o’Grady: Speech and Drama Academy and Robotics which will be part of curriculum next academic session onwards to inculcate confidence, self esteem, and skilled verbal communication among the students. Besides there were other attractions like the School App counter, games corners, kids play zone ,Appu Ghar and finger licking food zone. The day accomplished with the idea that the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents and teachers.

Majestic Joy Ride to Nakhrali Dhani

The world is a playground, you sense this while you are a kid. To keep this perception alive, Ideal Academy has arranged a fun trip for Montessori to Primary Classes to Nakhrali Dhani, Indore. The students were thrilled to reach the destination and relished disparate activities like camel ride, horse ride, puppet show, magic show, kalbeliya dance etc. After an astounding and fun packed morning they had a delicious Rajasthani Meal. It has provided a great opportunity to the children to come closer to this majestic art of Rajasthan.

”Citadel of Creative Minds” The Academic Expression 2022-23

Critical Thinking and Curiosity are the Key to Creativity!!

In order to rouse inventiveness and artistry in students the school has organised the Academic Display: The Citadel of Creative Minds; The Academic Expression of Learning. Each of the projects displayed the originality of ideas and imagination of students.It was the result of collective efforts of students and mentors and was in accordance with the school’s focus on developing core competencies such as creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration of the knowledge gained. Parents expressed their contentment and satisfaction for the guidance and mentoring by the teachers and the school. It was held simultaneously with the Parents Teachers Meeting where the parents were apprised of the child’s progress at school and advised solutions to academic or behavioural issues.

Farewell 2022-23

As rightly said -“Right at the end of the road, a new way will be revealed.” – Hiral Nagda.

Farewell is an exciting time. It marks both an ending and a beginning; it’s warm memories of the past and big dreams for the future. Ideal Group of Institution celebrated the Farewell Ceremony of the batch of 2022-23 on 4th February 2023, with a belief that the future holds no promises, but rather mysteries and surprises.

We wish our bright Idealites the very best for the new phase of their lives!