Teachers’ Day

05 September – 2020

“The nation is created by the teachers”
Teachers’ day is celebrated to express our gratitude and appreciate the hard work of our Teachers. Teachers’ Day in India is observed on the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan that falls on 5th of September every year.
This great son of India was a teacher and later became the Vice-President of Indian Republic. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was the 2nd President of India.

We, Indians, are proud to pay our respect to that great Teacher-President on this day. We pay our respect to our own teachers as well. Our teachers inspire us the same way as Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan inspired his students. They love us and are always anxious to help us.

It is widely celebrated in schools and colleges. Occasionally, Students and teachers together arrange a Teachers’ Day Function. They also organize cultural events on this day. Teachers and students gather somewhere inside the school and the celebration begins. But this year teachers and students are going to celebrate Teachers Day virtually with zeal, respect and bond of love not affected due to Covid-19.

We Indians owe more to our teachers than we owe to our parents. Our teachers help us stride forward, build our character and prepare us to face life.