Lakshya Sandhan: Career Counseling Seminar

लक्ष्य संधान: Career Counseling Seminar

Education in the present era has undergone a radical change and it is all pervading. Every student faces the question of ‘what next’ after class XII. The only career guidance she/he has is the opinion of their parents and teacher’s judgement based on marks and comments of their friends and neighbours. It is at this point that a career counsellor steps in and helps the child sail through these turbulent times.
With the same objective in mind, Ideal Academy conducted a Career Counseling under the series of “LAKSHYA SANDHAN”. The Commissioner Indore Police, Indore Mr. Harinarayan Chari Mishra & Dr. Bharat Sharma, Council Member & Executive Board Member (NCF), Ministry Of Culture (Government Of India), came to enlighten the students with the kind of courses and opportunities in modern India. He also guided the students on how administrative positions can be earned by working tirelessly in the limited resources. Sir guided the students and also pacified their questions and queries.

The seminar was enlightening for everyone.