Biology Lab

Practicing the Study of Living Organisms

Our school is renowned for instilling discipline and affecting every aspect of a student’s life. We strive to teach our children from a real life perspective and therefore take special interest in educating them in science. As a subject, science includes the observation, deployment and understanding of actual materials and objects. To ensure that students practice what they learn, we have separate laboratories and this portion will talk about the biology laboratory.

The laboratory is well-structured, airy, spacious, well-lit and replete with all the required equipments and tools. The materials are in abundance to allow each child to freely explore the secrecies of living organisms and sort out theoretical difficulties through experimentation.

Equipment and Facilities

All the equipment and facilities in this laboratory are top class and have been sourced from some of the best suppliers of these particular tools. The aim of using top quality equipment is to ensure that our students face no difficulty and enjoy the learning experience while conducting experiments. Our endeavour is to make education fun and something that students look forward to.

  • Microscopes on each work space. Super sensitive, high-powered and high-priced. The clarity of these microscopes allows the smallest cells in organisms to be clearly visible.
  • Slides to be placed beneath and over the cells to be viewed under the microscope. Good quality and crystalline glass.
  • Test tubes – for the mixing of fluids and solutions. High quality toughened glass.
  • Petri dishes for culturing, smearing and pressing of samples. Tough unbreakable glass.
  • Dyes to colour the cell structures and indicators to determine their characteristics. Litmus paper is one such material.
  • Sharp scalpels to enable neat and one-touch cutting of organisms. Students are taught how to use these instruments and a strict watch is kept while they are in use.
  • Stainless steel forceps to pick up the testers. Students and teachers are expected to wear gloves and lab coats but still must use forceps to handle the samples.
  • Beakers for solution mixing are made from clear and durable glass
  • Glass flasks
  • Bunsen burners that are attached to a gas line. Extreme caution is exercised while these are used. Proper guidance and handling is demonstrated to the students before they actually use this equipment.

There are many other such exciting and useful pieces of apparatus which aid the students in their quest for understanding the living world. Biology, as a science, instills a deeper and profound interest in the domain of living things. The experiments conducted in the laboratory combine with the classroom teaching to achieve the best results for the students.

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